Certified nutrition counselling TCM - according to the 5 elements

Food plays an important role in our lives, especially for those of us who love to cook.

In a sense, cooking means living our creativity. Nutrition becomes even more important to someone who is diagnosed, for example, with a gluten allergy and lactose intolerance. A diet based on the 5 elements will support sufferers, helping to avoid digestive problems and keep up one’s strength both physically and mentally.

TCM nutrition is a holistic nutritional approach that has been tried and tested for over 2500 years and addresses the problems of each individual person. The approach works with the teachings of the 5 elements from traditional Chinese medicine:






Each food is attributed taste and thermal effects that can be used specifically for therapeutic purposes.

For example, they can heat, cool, dry, or moisturise to balance Yin + Yang and thus achieve targeted nutrition.

Taste plays an important role. Each food is assigned to a certain element and thus to a certain taste. Which flavour to choose depends on whether energy is to be built up, excess moisture is to be expelled, or energy is to be set in motion.

Wood - sour

Fire - bitter

Earth - sweet

Metal - hot

Water - salty

Here is an example: too much sweets leads to too much moisture in the body, which "suffocates" the energy of the digestive tract. This can lead to sluggishness, fatigue and listlessness.

Yin and Yang are harmonised through targeted therapeutic nutrition, leading to health, balance and well-being.

The 5-element diet according to TCM is helpful for:

  • food intolerances and allergies
  • digestive problems (bloating, diarrhoea, flatulence, constipation)
  • gastritis / heartburn
  • migraine / tension headache
  • weight problems
  • malnutrition
  • skin problems (dryness / neurodermatitis / acne)
  • exhaustion / stress / restlessness
  • sleep disturbances
  • concentration disorders / forgetfulness
  • irritability / brooding / constant worrying

During the consultation clients work together with the practitioner to develop an individual nutrition plan that is geared towards the client’s basic constitution, their current physical and psychological "trouble spots" and their current complaints. Special dietary needs (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free) are integrated into the 5-element diet.

Nutrition counselling - online or presence

Counselling can take place face-to face or online. The procedure goes as follows:

  • initial telephone interview approx. 20 min (free of charge and without obligation)
  • clients who go for individual nutritional counselling are sent a questionnaire, which they fill in and send to me before the first counselling session
  • the consultation involves working with different diagnostic methods of TCM (tongue and pulse diagnostics, facial diagnostics). Also needed from the client is an overview of current complaints, medical history, and what you hope to achieve. Each individual’s dietary protocol and medical history form the basis for recognising patterns of disharmony according to the concepts of TCM.

From me you get:

  • an introduction to the interrelationships of TCM nutrition
  • a personal nutrition plan
  • recipe suggestions for an easy start
  • a personal food list with dietary recommendations
  • tips for everyday life

Feedback follows after 3-4 weeks. We discuss where to go next and, if necessary, necessary additions or changes can be made to the diet plan.

Nutrition counselling TCM
according to the 5 elements

After a successful anamnesis, you will receive an individual diet plan, recipe suggestions and tips for everyday life.


(for three appointments of 60 minutes each)


Either online
Pariser Str. 6
10719 Berlin - Wilmersdorf

arrange a free initial consultation